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Survey Test- Single Page

Welcome to your Survey Test- Single Page

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Maximum number of choice selection allowed is set to only 1.

Question Type: Multiple Response

Maximum number of choice selection allowed is set to more than 1.

Question Type: Multiple Choice ( Horizontal)

Maximum number of choice selection allowed is set to only 1. Layout is set to horizontal view.

Question Type: Multiple Response ( Horizontal)

Maximum number of choice selection allowed is set to more than 1. Layout is set to horizontal view.

Question Type: Drop Down

Field type is set to dropdown.

Question Type: Polar

Field type is set to polar.

Rate 1
Rate 5
Question Type: Date

For this question type, users will see a date input field on front end.

Question Type: Number

For this question type, users will see an input box which accepts only number values on front end.

Question Type: Short Answer

For this question type, users will see a standard input box on front end.

Question Type: Paragraph

For this question type, users will see a standard textarea input box on front end.

Question Type: Fill In The Blank

Use variable in the description field to display input boxes.

Question Type: File Upload

For this question type, users will see a file upload field on front end.

Displays a simple section on front end. Description is mandatory.
Question Type: Captcha

For this question type, users will see a Captcha field on front end.